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Enalapril Maleate

Enalapril Maleate

It is an orally active ACE inhibitor. It lowers peripheral vascular resistance without causing an increase in heart rate. It is an ideal drug for hypertensive patients who are intolerant to beta-blockers. It is considered useful in treatment of congestive heart failure.


All grades of essential hypertension & renovascular hypertension. Adjunct in congestive heart failure.


Essential & renovascular hypertension : Initially 5 mg once a day, if with diuretic then 2.5mg. Maint. dose 10-20 mg once daily. Max : 40 mg once daily. Congestive heart failure : Initially 2-5 mg gradually increased to maint. dose of 10-20 mg once or in divided doses.


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, nursing women, aortic stenosis or outflow obstruction.

Special Precautions

Renal dysfunction, children, symptomatic hypotension due to volume depletion by diuretic therapy. Hypotension may occur with severe heart failure.

Side Effects

Dry cough, precipitant hypotension, dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, fatigue, muscle cramps, rash, cough, angioneurotic edema, urticaria.

Drug Interactions

With immuno suppressive drugs,risk of bone marrow depression increased , hyperkalaemia with pot. sparing diuretics.

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