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THSTI and Blockchain Come Together  Revolutionise Biomedical Research in India

THSTI and Blockchain For Impact Join Forces to Revolutionise Biomedical Research in India

In a major step toward advancing biomedical research and innovation, BRIC-Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI), under the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), has announced a strategic partnership with Blockchain For Impact (BFI) under the BFI-BIOME Virtual Network Program. 

The collaboration aims to provide indigenous solutions to healthcare challenges through cutting-edge research and innovation.

The partnership was formalized today at BRIC-THSTI, Faridabad, with the exchange of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). As a prominent institution dedicated to STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology, and Medicine) research, THSTI has long been at the forefront of public health innovations, focusing on tackling infectious diseases, improving maternal and child health, and developing affordable diagnostics and drug development methods.

The newly-formed collaboration is expected to be highly synergistic, with THSTI’s mission aligning seamlessly with the goals of the BFI-BIOME Virtual Network Program. Over the next three years, BFI has committed $900,000 to support THSTI’s ongoing research and development efforts aimed at producing potential healthcare solutions.

Strengthening India’s Bio-Economy

Prof. G Karthikeyan, Director of BRIC-THSTI, welcomed the partnership, stating, “Such collaborations underscore our dedication to advancing translational research, fostering bio-innovation, and contributing to the expanding bio-economy. This initiative aligns seamlessly with the Government of India’s recently launched BioE3 policy and complements our extensive network of partnerships.”

BFI’s founder, Sandeep Nailwal, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the potential impact of the partnership on India’s healthcare landscape. “By joining forces with THSTI, BFI aims to leverage their research expertise to address critical healthcare needs and transform public health outcomes in India and beyond. This collaboration is a testament to our commitment to innovative solutions that make a tangible difference in people's lives.”

A Step Toward Self-Reliance in Biomedical Research

Dr. Gaurav Singh, CEO of BFI, highlighted the importance of the collaboration in fostering innovation in India. “THSTI's emphasis on translational biomedical research is in line with our mission to support deep science and technology that can lead to tomorrow's healthcare solutions. This partnership marks an important step toward making India self-reliant in biomedical research and innovation, benefiting not only the Indian population but also the global community.”

The partnership reinforces BFI's commitment to driving change in the biomedical ecosystem by leveraging collaborations and pushing the boundaries of innovation.

This collaboration comes at a time when India’s focus on healthcare innovation is growing, and the partnership between THSTI and BFI is poised to deliver impactful solutions that could transform the future of healthcare, both locally and globally.

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