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Stanzolol is a synthetic steroid with anabolic and andronergic properties. It increases collagen production and decreases the antianabolic action of cortisone. It reduces fibrin deposition and also corrects the formation of Kinin or Kinin like factors which may be associated with edema and swelling seen in hereditary angioedema.


In hereditary angioedema, vascular manifestations of Bahcet's syndrome.


Adults : Hereditory angioedema 2mg 3 times a day. Maintainence dose 2mg per day ro alternate days of 2.5 mg 3 times weekly. Children : Long term therapy is not recommended. 1-6 yrs : Initally 2 to 2.5 mg daily. 6-12 yrs: Initally 2.5 to 5mg daily. Later the doses can be reduced.


Prostrate carcinoma, carcinoma of male breast, porphyria, nephritis, diabetes type I severe liver disease, renal or cardiac disease and in pregnancy and lactation.

Special Precautions

In cardiac, hepatic or renal dysfunction, testicular atrophy and oedema, menstrual irregularities, may alter LFT, thyroid function tests and glucose tolerance tests.

Side Effects

Nausea, epigatric, discomfort, liver damage, headace, skin rashes, virilisation, oedema, acne, glucose intoleration, hypercholestrolemia.

Drug Interactions


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