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ACETONE is a pharmaceutical product known for its solvent properties and medical applications. It is commonly used in various industries and also has specific medical uses under professional supervision.


-External use as a solvent in medical procedures. -Industrial applications such as cleaning and degreasing.


For medical use, the dosage of ACETONE should be determined by a healthcare professional based on specific circumstances and requirements.


Individuals with known hypersensitivity to acetone or related substances.

Special Precautions

-Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, and open wounds. -Use in a well-ventilated area to prevent inhalation. -Keep away from heat and flames due to its flammable nature.

Side Effects

-Skin irritation or drying with prolonged use. -Respiratory irritation if inhaled in large quantities. -Allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Drug Interactions

There are no significant drug interactions reported with ACETONE when used externally as directed. However, caution should be exercised in concurrent use with other topical medications.

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