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Amrinone is a cardiac inotropic agent with vasodilatory properties, has not been described in human pregnancy.


Congestive heart failure.


Adults : Initial loading dose : 0.75mg/kg as slow IV over 2-3 minutes, followed by maintenance infusion of 5-10mcg/kg/min. The loading dose may be repeated after 30 minutes, if required. Total max daily dose 10mg/kg. Children : not recommended.



Special Precautions

Fluid and electrolyte balance should be maintained; protect ampoules from light, platelet counts and liver function should be monitored, Obstructive pulmonary or aortic disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; BP and heart rate monitored during drug administration. Pregnancy and lactation

Side Effects

Cardiac arrhythmia, hepatotoxicity. GI disturbances, myositis, nail discoloration, nausea, hypersensitivity, vomiting, thrombocytopenia, chest pain, hypotension, vasculitis, inj. site pain, decreased tear production.

Drug Interactions

Exaggerated hypotension reported with concurrent usage of disopyramide and amrinone. Others : Chemical interaction with precipitation occurs with amrinone and dextrose or frusemide. These drug mixing should be avoided.

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