Third generation, parenteral Cephalosporin.Lower respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue infections, Septicaemia. Severe infections in immuno-compromised patients, UTI, Gonorrhoea
1-3 gm, 8-12 hrly
Hypersensitivity to Penicillins and Cephalosporins
Renal impairment. Paediatrics: In children with age upto 6 months, safety not established. Pregnancy: Use with caution. Lactation: Use with caution
G.I. disturbances, candidosis, eosino-philia, neutropenia, leucopenia, thrombo-cytopenia, rise in liver enzymes and blood urea.
Concomitant use of amino-glycosides, other cephalosporins, frusemide may cause nephrotoxicity, action of oral anticoagulant potentiated.