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Methylxanthines are phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Doxofylline is a new generation long acting oral methylxanthine derivative.


For maintenance therapy in patients suffering with Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).


Adult:400mg once a day. Single dose administration in the evening reduces nocturnal symptoms and helps to keep the patients complaint free during the day. However,in certain cases 400mg twice daily is recommended on the basis of the clinical response.


Hypersensitivity to doxofulline and other methylxanthine derivatives. Methylxanthines are not recommended for therapy of asthma exacerbations.

Special Precautions

-Patients with cardiac arrhythmias -Patients with severe renal impairment -Pregnancy and lactation (use with caution and as directed by a healthcare provider)

Side Effects

-Nausea -Vomiting -Headache -Dizziness

Drug Interactions

-Cimetidine -Fluvoxamine -Propranolol -Erythromycin -Rifampicin

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