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Electrolyte imbalance in the body fluids most often results after vomiting and from diarrhoea due to varying causes, results in fluid and electrolyt loss of mild moderate-severe nature depending on the amount of fluid loss, age of the patients, and his pre-existing general conditions and the adequacy-and type of oral supplementations given. Severe situations may even result in fatal outcome especially in infants or very old patients. In severe conditions where oral supplementation is not possible or adequate due to atients general conditions or recurrent vomiting. I.V. supplementations has to be resorted to; although in milder cases, oral supplementation by flavoured electrolytes solutions of stadard biochemically researched composition by WHO/institutions is the method of choice.


Adults: Daily dose to be equivlaent to patients water requirements for maintenance & replacements of losses preferably calculated on basis of body surface area upto 2-3 litres daily. Children: Upto 5 yrs: 400 ml to 1.6 litre daily(8-12 ml/kg body wt. per hour depending on need.Older children: 2-3 litres spread over 24 hours.

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