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Epirubicin Hydrochloride

Epirubicin Hydrochloride

It is a new anthracycline antibiotic with antiblastic activity. The mechanism of action of it is related to its ability to bind to DNA. Cell culture studies have shown rapid cell penetration, localisation in the nucleus and inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis and mitosis.


Breast carcinoma; malignant lymphomas; soft tissue sarcoma; gastric, hepatic, pancreatic and sigma-rectum carcinomas; head and neck carcinoma; lung carcinoma; ovarian carcinoma and leukemias.


60-90 mg/m2 body area; the drug should be injected i.v. over 3-5 minutes and depending on the patient's haematomedullar status, the dose should be repeated at 21-day intervals. Lower doses (60-75 mg/m2) are recommended for patients whose bone marrow function has already been impaired by previous chemotherapy or radio-therapy, by age or neoplastic bone-marrow infiltration. The total dose per cycle may be divided over 2-3 successive days. When the drug is used in combination with other antitumour


In patients with marked myelosuppression induced by previous treatments with other antitumour agents or by radio-therapy. Previous history of cardiac impairment. Hypersensitivity.

Special Precautions

In patients with marked myelosuppression induced by previous treatments with other antitumour agents or by radio-therapy. Previous history of cardiac impairment. Hypersensitivity.

Side Effects

Alopecia, mucositis, stomatitis with areas of painful erosions, gastro-intestinal disturbances, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, hyperpyrexia.

Drug Interactions

Directions for administration: Epirubicin rapid dissolution should be administered by intravenous injection. It is not active when given orally and should not be injected intramuscularly or intrathecally. It should not be mixed with heparin due to chemical incompatibility. It can be used in combination with other antitumour agents, but it is not recommended that it is mixed with these drugs in the same syringe.

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