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Ethinylestradiol-Methyltestoste-rone Combination (Mixogen)

Ethinylestradiol-Methyltestoste-rone Combination (Mixogen)

Combined admin. of estrogens and androgens may offer special advantages in the treatment of conditions of estrogen deficiency. In the female, androgens are thought to oppose the action of estrogens on the genital organs by competing for estrogen-binding receptors. In addition, the androgenic hormone contributes to the overall efficacy of the product by improving the sense of well being and exerting a favourable influence on libido.


Estrogen deficiency symptoms associated with the natural or surgical menopause.


-The dosage will vary based on individual patient needs and the specific condition being treated. -Typically taken once daily, as prescribed by a healthcare provider. -It's essential to follow the dosing instructions provided by the healthcare provider.


Pregnancy, cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disorders, severe hypertension. Severe liver disease, known or suspected estrogen-dependent tumours. Endometrial hyperplasia. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding. Porphyria. Hyperlipo proteinaemia, history of severe pruritus or herpes gestationis.

Special Precautions

Lactation, thromboembolic processes, severe varicose veins, major surgery. Pain in breast or excessive production of cervical mucus is indicative. Chloasma, if virilization occurs discontinue treatment. Latent or overt cardiac failure, renal dysfunction, hypertension, epilepsy or migraine.

Side Effects

Intermenstrual bleeding, endometrial proliferation, increased uterine fibromyomata, enlarged clitoris. Breast tenderness, pain, enlargement, secretion. Nausea, vomiting, cholelithiasis, chole-static jaundice, thrombosis, rise of blood pressure, acne, hirsutism, change in body weight.

Drug Interactions

Rifampicin enhances hepatic metabolism leading to failure of contraception. Phenobarbitone and phenytoin also reduce plasma levels. Reduces efficacy of antihypertensives, oral anticoagulants or hypoglycaemic drugs.

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