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Flurbiprofen sodium

Flurbiprofen sodium

It is one of a series of phenylalkanoic acid that have shown anti-inflammatory activity it inhibitis cyclo-oxygenase enzymes essential in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which are mediator of certain kinds of intraocular inflammatory processes. Prostaglandis appear to play a role in the miotic response produced during ocular surgery by condtricting the iris sphincter independently of cholinergic mechanism..Flurbiprofen inhibits miosis induced during the course of contaract surgery.


Postoperative & post laser inflammation of the anterior segment of the eye. Inhibition of intraoperative miosis.


1 drop every 1/2 hr. in the eye (S) begining 2-3 hrs. before surgery. Post surgicalprocedures : 1 drop every 4 hrs in the eye (S) for 1-3-wks.


Epithellal herpes simplex keratitis (Dendritis keratitis). Hypersensivity to any component.

Special Precautions

Acute infection of the eye may be masked by the use of topical anti inflammatory agents history of herpes simplex keratitis. Pregnancy. nursing mother. paediatric use.

Side Effects

Transient burning & stinging, ocular irriation. increased bleeding tendency of ocular tissues in conjunction with surgery.

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