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It actrapidly but has short duration of action. In addition to primary glucocorticoid, it has significant mineralocorticoid activity also. Hydrocort. Sod. Succ. Inj supplements the action of adrenaline or when adrenocortical function has been suppressed by prolonged corticosteroid therapy.


Status asthmaticus and acute allergic reactions, in anaphylactic reaction to drugs. Severe shock (surgical, accidental trauma or overwhelming infection). Addison’s disease, Simmond’s disease, terculous meningitis & other meningities.


100-500 mg admin. by show I.V. 3-4 times a day. Systemic therapy in children : upto 1 yr : 25 mg. 1-5 yrs : 50 mg. 6-12 yrs : 100 mg.


Systemic infections, unless specific anti-infective therapy is employed. Live virus immunisation. Hypersensitivity. Should not be injected directly into tendons.

Special Precautions

Impair the ability to resist & counteract infection. Pregnancy. May reduce the effects of anticholinesterases in myasthenia gravis, cholecystographic X-ray media & salicyates.

Side Effects

Peptic ulceration or may be aggravated. Hypercorticism.

Drug Interactions

Reduced efficacy with concurrent use of carbamazepine, phenytoin, primidone and barbiturates. Rifampicin reduces corticosteroid activity. Peptic ulcer with concurrent NSAID’S administration. Dose of antidiabetics and antihypertensives needs to be increased. Decreases serum concentration of salicylates and antimuscarinic agents.

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