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It has a special site of action at the parasympathetic ganglia in the walls of the viscera, which exerts a specific antispasmodic action on the smooth muscle of the gastro-intestinal, biliary and urinary tracts.


Gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastro-intestinal spasm and hypermotility, pylorospasm in infants, post-operative vomiting, spastic constipation, biliary dyskinesia and spasm of the urinary tract, delayed relaxation of the lower uterine segment, dysmenorrhoea. It is also indicated in radiologic and endoscopic diagnostic procedures of gastrointestinal tract to reduce spasm.


10-20 mg 3-5 times daily. i.m. or i.v. 20-40 mg 3-5 times daily.


Glaucoma, retention of urine (Prostrate hypertrophy). Mechanical Stenosis in the region of G.I.T. Tachycardia, megacolon.

Special Precautions

driving or operating machinery. Paediatrics: Not recommended under 6 years. Pregnancy: Safety not established. Lactation: No evidence of risk. Elderly: Reduced dose may be necessary.

Side Effects

Increased pulse rate, vision disturbances due to i.v. administeration.

Drug Interactions

Effects potentiated by other anti cholinergic drugs and tricyclic antidepressants. Absorbtion of concomitantly administered oral drug isdelayed.

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