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Secretion of insulin from B cells of pancreas, which has a overall effects to favour storage of fuel. Insulin also facilitates glucose transport across cell membrane & glycogen synthesis from glucose in liver, muscle and fat by stimulating the enzyme glycogen synthetase. It inhibits gluconeogenesis (fromprotein) in liver and lipolysis in adipose tissue and favours triglyceride synthesis. In diabetes there is under utilization and over production of glucose leading to hyper glycaemia & glycosuria. During diabetes increased amounts of fat are broken down due to unchecked action of lipolytic hormones resulting in production of ketone bodies & ketonemia or ketonuria. Various insulin preparations containing bovine, porcine or human insulin are available whic constitute the short acting, intermediate & long acting categories.


Actrapid is for insulin requiring diabetes mellitus. It is particularly suitable: when intense and rapid insulin action is required. In intensified insulin treatment, based on multiple daily injections (basal-bolus therapy) or continuous insulin infusion in treating diabetic emergencies, such as diabetic coma/precoma for diabetics in need of i.v. insulin infusion (e.g. during surgery)


Dose to be adjusted as per individual requirements.


Hypoglycaemia & insulinoma.

Special Precautions

Same as that of Actraphane.

Side Effects

-Hypoglycemia: A serious potential side effect that can lead to seizures or loss of consciousness. -Weight gain: Some patients may experience weight gain when using insulin. -Injection site reactions: Redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site may occur. -Allergic reactions: Though rare, patients may experience an allergic reaction to insulin.

Drug Interactions

-Beta-blockers: These can mask symptoms of hypoglycemia. -Corticosteroids: May increase blood glucose levels. -ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers: Can affect insulin requirements.

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