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Measles vaccine (Live attenuated) Strain Schwarz

Measles vaccine (Live attenuated) Strain Schwarz

It is a lyophilized preparation of the highly attenuated Schwarz strain of measles virus, obtained by propagation of the virus in chick embryo tissue cultures. STRAIN: EDMONSTON-ZAGREB It contains live attenuated measles virus (Edmonston-Zagreb Strain)propagated on Human Diploid cells(HDC).


Active immunization of children and susceptible adults against measles.The optimal age for vaccination is 15 months.


The vaccine pellet should be completely dissolved in the diluent. The entire contents of a reconstituted monodose vial or 0.5 ml of reconstituted vaccine from a multidose vial should be injected subcutaneously, do not inject intravenously.


Subjects with severe acute respiratory or other febrile infections including active untreated tuberculosis and to subjects who, due to a history of exposure, could be in the incubation period of an infection, other than measles, to which they are known or suspected to be susceptible. Hypersensitivity to neomycin . Patients with primary or secondary immune deficiencies.Pregnancy.

Special Precautions

It is for subcutaneous use only; do not administer intravenously. It should be given with caution to persons with a history or family history of allergic diseases or those with a history of family history of convulsions. It can be administered at the same time as the injectable trivalent diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine, the bivalent diphtheria, tetanus vaccine, the tetanus vaccine and BCG. It can also be administered simultaneouly with oral polio vaccine, injectable polio vaccine and i

Side Effects

Children with fever may on rare occasions, exhibit febrile convulsions. Generally fever, whether accompanied by rash or not, appears between the 5th and the 12th day after vaccination in up to 15% vaccines. Rash, malaise, cough, coryza and headache.

Drug Interactions

The vaccine pellet should be completely dissolved in the diluent. The entire contents of a reconstituted monodose vial or 0.5 ml of reconstituted vaccine from a multidose vial should be injected subcutaneously, do not inject intravenously.

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