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It has produced nearly 100% cure rate/reduction/in egg count in round worm, hook worm. (both species), Enterobius and Trichuris infestations. Upto 75% patients are also card of strongyloides and tape worms: H. nana is relatively insensitive. It expells Trichinella spiralis from intestines, but efficacy in killing larvae that have migrated to muscles is uncertain. Prolonged treatment has been shown to cause regression of hydatid cysts in the liver: surgery may thus be avoided. It acts probably by blocking glucose uptake in parasite and depletion of its glycogen stores. About 90% of an oral dose is passed in the faeces.


Round worm, hookworm, whipworm, mixed infestations, threadworm and tapeworm.


100 mg twice daily for 5 day. Threadworm: Single dose of 100 mg. Tapeworm: 200 mg twice daily for 3 days.



Special Precautions

Lactation. Expulsion of Ascaris from mouth or nose may occur.

Side Effects

Diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain, allergic reactions, loss of hair and granulocytopenia with high doses.

Drug Interactions

Absorption increased in the presence of fatty food.

Other Combination Brands
Brand Name Manufactured by
METRAZOLE RainSun LifeCare
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