An antihypertensive agent, acts on imidazoline sub-type 1 receptors to the brain medulla.Hypertension, Mild iron-deficiency anaemias.
Adult > 12 years of age : 0.002 to 0.008 (average 0.005)mg /kg orally as a single dose.
Depression, glaucoma, parkinsonism, Raynaud's phenomenon.
Should not be given to patients suffering with conduction disorder, bradycardia, server arrhythmias, sever heart failure, server ischemic, heart disease, server liver and renal impairment and a history of angioedema, Do not stop the drug abruptly but should be withdrawn gradullay over 2 weeks.
Dry mouth, headache, nausea, and insomnia. Dizziness, tiredness.