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Oxaliplatin exhibits a wide spectrum of both in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo antitumour activity in a variety of tumour model systems, including human colorectal concer models. Oxaliplatin also demonstrates in vitro and in vivo activity in varous cisplatin resistant models. A synergistic cytotoxic action has been observed in combination with fluorouracil both in vitro and in vivo. Studies on the mechnism of action of oxaliplatin, although not completely elucidated, show that the aqua-derivatives resulting from the biotransformation of oxaliplatin interact with DNA synthesis leading to cytotoxic and antitumour effects.


Adjuvant treatment of stage III(Duke's C) colon cancer after complete resection of the primary tumour treatment of advanced colorectal cancer.


In combination with fluorouracil and folinic acid the recommended dose for the tratment of advanced colorectal cancer is 85mg/m2 intravenously repeated every two weeks, or 130mg/m2 repeated every three weeks. In combination with fluorouracil and folnic acid the recommended dose for adjuvant treatment is 85mg/m2 intravenously repeated every two weeks for 12 cycles(6 months).


Hypersensitivity to Oxaliplatin, pregnant, breast feeding, myelosuppression prior to starting first course, as evidenced by baseline neutrophils, nal function(creatinine clearance less than 30mL/min).

Special Precautions

Oxaliplatin should be administered only by or under the supervision of an experienced clinical oncologist, not recommended in pregnancy, lactation & in children because of insufficient data available.

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