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A low ptency phenothiazine having marked central anticholinergic action. It produces lowest incidence of extrapyramidal side effects. Cardiac arrhythmias and interference with male sexual function are more common.


Anxiety,mixed anxiety-depression, tension & agitation, psychosomatic disorders, emotional disturbances accompanied by anxiety & tension, sleep disturbances. Geriatrics, additionally senile agitation & confusional states. Paediatrics: Additionally difficulty of concentration, behavioural disorders, hyperactivity, aggressiveness.


10-75 mg daily as anxiolytic & anti-depressant;25-600mg daily as neuroleptic. Max.800mg daily. Children:0.5-2 mg/kg bodywt. as anxiolytic & antidepressant. 1-4 mg/kg bodywt. daily as neuroleptic.


Severe C.N.S. depression,co- matose states, history of blood dyscrasias, hypersensitivity to phenothiazines. Bone marrow depression.

Special Precautions

Driving or operating heavy machinery. Hepatic impairment. Cardiovascular disease. Regular blood counts during therapy. Paediatrics: Not usually prescribed. Pregnancy: Safety not established. Lactation: Use with caution. Elderly: Reduced dose necessary.

Side Effects

Drowsiness, impaired alertness, interference with male sexual functions, anticholinergic effects. C.N.S. disturbances.

Drug Interactions

Terfenadine and astemizole may cause arrhythmias, potentiates CNS depression and cardiac and respiratory effects produced by hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, anaesthetics. ffect of antihypertensive reduced. Risk of neurotoxicity potentiated by lithium.

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