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Tibolone is an innovative synthetic steroid which possesses a combination of estrogenic, progestogenic, & weak androgenic activities. It offers an attractive alternative to conventional hormonal therapy for the alleviation of post-menopausal climacteric & restores plasma-endorphin level in post-menopausal women & act centrally to affect the thermo-regulatory system.


Vasomotor symptoms resulting from a natural or surgical menopause.


2.5 mg daily.


Hormone-dependent tumours, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease, uninvestigated vaginal bleeding, severe liver disease.

Special Precautions

Renal dysfunction, epilepsy, diabetic patients & hypercholesterolemia. Drug should not be used in premenopausal women or in women within 1 years of the menopause. Pregnancy: Contraindicated Lactation: Contraindicated.

Side Effects

Weight gain, dizziness, seborrheic dermaitis, pre tibial edema, facial hair growth, elevated serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotrasferase levels, vaginal bleeding.

Drug Interactions

Tibolone activity may be reduced and metabolism increase in womentaking rifampicin or anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, phenobarbitone or carbamazepine. In diabetics, the requirements for insulin or other hypoglycemic agents may increase with concomitant tibolone therapy.

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