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It is mitotic inhibitor, binds to microtubular protein- tubulin and cause disruption of mitotic spindle. The chromosomes fail to move apart during mitosis: metaphase arrest occurs. They are cell cycle specific and act in the mitotic phase. It is rapidly acting drug but not good for maintenance therapy.


Inducing remission in childhood acute leukemia, lymphosarcoma. Hodgkin’s disease, Wilm’s tumour. Ewing’s sarcoma and carcinoma lung.


Children : 2mg/sq.m. body surface. Adults: 1.4 mg/sq.m. body surface.



Special Precautions

Acute uric acid neuropathy may occur. Reduce bone marrow reserve, impaired liver function, bronchospasm and jaundice. Paediatrics: Adjust dose according to body weight. Pregnancy: Should not be used. Lactation: Use with caution. Elderly: Use with caution.

Side Effects

Peripheral neuropathy, alopecia, Bone marrow depression.

Drug Interactions

Potentiation of other myelosuppressive drugs. Acute bronchospasm with mitomycin C. May decrease digoxin serum levels. Synergistic with methotrexate.

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