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These are a agonists which on topical application as dilute solution (0.05-0.1%) produce local vasoconstriction. The imidazoline compounds- naphazoline, xylometazoline and oxymetazoline are relatively selective a2 agonists (like clonidine). They have a longer duration of action (12 hrs) than ephedrine. After congestion is claimed to be less than with ephedrine or phenylephrine. May cause initial stinging sensation (specially naphazoline).


Nasal congestion.


Instill 2-3 drops into each nostril.


Pregnancy, glaucoma.

Special Precautions

Prolong use to be avoided as atrophic rhinitis & anosmia can occur due to persistant vasoconstriction.Hypertensives. C.N.S. depression.

Side Effects

Stinging sensation, sneezing, dryness of mouth & throat, rebound congestion, mild burning.

Drug Interactions

Xylometazoline may interact with certain medications such as MAO inhibitors (MAOIs) and other drugs that increase blood pressure. These combinations may lead to dangerous increases in blood pressure.

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