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People Donate Blood at Safdarjung Hospital

VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital Celebrate World Blood Donor Day, Honoring Lifesaving Donors

The Department of Blood Bank and Transfusion Medicine at VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital commemorated World Blood Donor Day, aligning with the theme "20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors." The event honored regular voluntary blood donors for their invaluable contributions to saving lives.

The day began with a voluntary blood donation camp, inaugurated by Dr. V Talwar, Medical Superintendent, in the presence of Additional Medical Superintendents, Head of Department Dr. Sunil Ranga, Blood Centre In-Charge Dr. Rekha Tirkey, and the dedicated Blood Centre team. During the event, regular voluntary donors were recognized and felicitated, encouraging others to participate in regular blood donation.

Reflecting on the impact of blood donation, the hospital highlighted the countless lives saved due to the generosity of donors. Whether aiding a patient undergoing elective surgery, a trauma victim in need of an emergency transfusion, or someone battling a life-threatening illness, safe blood is often the critical factor between life and death. Blood donors are celebrated as silent heroes who provide hope and healing in dire times.

Despite the essential need for blood donations, a persistent gap between supply and demand remains a significant challenge for healthcare systems. VMMC and Safdarjung Blood Centre are committed to addressing this gap by raising awareness and mobilizing support for blood donation. Their goal is to ensure a steady supply of safe blood for those in need.

At the event, 110 blood donations were collected, and ten voluntary donors were honored for their dedication. Dr. V Talwar led the officers and staff of Safdarjung Hospital in pledging to promote voluntary blood donation. They committed to raising awareness about the lifesaving importance of safe blood, particularly amid the global shortage. United in their efforts, they aim to ensure access to safe and adequate blood for all in need.

The celebration of World Blood Donor Day at VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital serves as a reminder of the critical role blood donors play in healthcare and the ongoing need for voluntary blood donations to save lives. 


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