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Advanced Cardiac Technology Saves Young Girl from Life-Threatening Heart Condition

In a dramatic turn of events at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, an 11-year-old girl who had been misdiagnosed with a stomach issue at two emergency rooms was saved by advanced cardiac technology. Initially presenting with severe chest pain, the young patient was treated for what was thought to be a digestive problem. However, her condition deteriorated, leading her to seek further care at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

Upon arrival, an ECG revealed alarming abnormalities, prompting immediate hospitalization. Despite initial stability, an echocardiogram soon disclosed that her heart was functioning at only 25% of its normal capacity. The situation worsened rapidly as the girl experienced severe heart rhythm disturbances and a drop in blood pressure, threatening imminent heart failure.

In a critical intervention, the medical team prepared for ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation), a sophisticated machine designed to take over the functions of the heart and lungs. This life-saving measure was implemented just in time to prevent cardiac arrest. After seven days on ECMO, the girl’s heart showed remarkable improvement, allowing her to leave the hospital with normal heart function.

The diagnosis revealed that her condition, known as viral myocarditis, was caused by a viral infection that had significantly impaired her heart. The successful use of ECMO in her treatment underscored the significance of advanced procedures like e-CPR (extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation), which are employed in critical cases where the heart has stopped.

The case not only highlights the importance of timely and accurate diagnosis but also showcases the impact of cutting-edge technology in saving lives. The young patient expressed her gratitude through a heartfelt painting, symbolizing her recovery and the exceptional care she received at the hospital. 

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