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It is a potent vasodilator and antianginal drug. Nifedipine causes preferential dilatation of coronary vessels and induces increase in coronary blood flow. It also exerts a potent vasodilator effect on peripheral arterial bed & produces reduction in both systolic & diastolic blood pressure and causes reflex tachycardia.


Vasospastic angina, chronic stable angina, hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, peripheral vascular disorders, congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, myocardial preservation during surgery, migraine, oesophageal spasm, exercise induced bronchial asthma.


5-20 mg three times daily. Max. 120 mg/day.


Hypersensitivity. Hypotension, Acute M.I. Cardiogenic shock, pregnancy.

Special Precautions

Moderate peripheral oedema, diabetics, patients may develop hypotension, monitor blood pressure, patients may develop increased angina at the time of starting the drug. Paediatrics: Not recommended. Pregnancy: Caution should be taken. Lactation: Unsafe. Elderly: Reduced dose may be necessary.

Side Effects

Dizziness, headache, weakness, nausea, peripheral oedema, palpitation & nasal stuffiness.

Drug Interactions

Increases digoxin blood levels. Concurrent use with beta-blockers leads to hypotension, angina and cardiac failure Synergism with Beta-blockers. Reverse depression of cardiac function caused by Beta-blockers. Cimetidine increase bioavailability and potentiates hypotensive action.

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