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Butea Monosperma

Butea Monosperma

Butea monosperma, commonly known as Palash or Bastard Teak, is a deciduous tree native to the Indian subcontinent. It belongs to the Fabaceae family and is renowned for its vibrant orange-red flowers. Various parts of the tree, including the bark, leaves, and flowers, have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for their therapeutic properties.


-Anti-inflammatory: Butea monosperma is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful in managing inflammatory conditions. -Antioxidant: The plant exhibits antioxidant activity, which can help combat oxidative stress in the body. -Anti-diabetic: Some studies suggest potential benefits in managing diabetes. -Wound healing: It is traditionally used for its wound-healing properties. -Antimicrobial: Butea monosperma may have antimicrobial effects against certain pathogens.


The dosage of Butea monosperma can vary depending on the form of administration (extracts, powders, decoctions). It is essential to follow the recommendations provided by healthcare professionals or traditional practitioners.


-Pregnancy and lactation: Safety during pregnancy and lactation has not been well-established, and caution is advised. -Allergy: Individuals with known allergies to Fabaceae family plants may experience allergic reactions.

Special Precautions

-Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, especially those related to the liver or kidneys, should exercise caution. -Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised before starting any Butea monosperma-based treatment.

Side Effects

While generally considered safe when used in appropriate doses, some individuals may experience: -Gastrointestinal discomfort -Allergic reactions -Skin irritation (external applications)

Drug Interactions

-Antidiabetic medications: Butea monosperma may potentiate the effects of antidiabetic drugs, requiring dosage adjustments. -Immunosuppressants: The plant may interact with immunosuppressive medications.

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