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It s a antitumour antibiotic and finds a useful application in acute leukemia & in many solid tumours. Doxorubicin is capable of causing breaks in DNA strands and have mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. Maximum action is exerted at S phase, but toxicity is usually exhibited in G2 phase.


Malignant lymphoma. gastro-intestinal tract carcinoma. Bronchogenic, bladder, breast & ovarian carcinoma. Wilm’s tumour. Acute myeloblastic leukaemia. soft tissue & bone sarcomas.


1.2-2.4 mg/kg body wt or 60-75 mg/sq metre of body surface given as a single dose every 3 weeks by slow i.v. inj.


Cardiac disease. Hepatic dysfunction.

Special Precautions

ECG changes, arrhythmias, hypotension, or be delayed congestive heart failure. Paediatrics: Reduced dose necessary. Pregnancy: Not usually prescribed. Lactation: Not prescribed. Elderly: Reduced dose may be necessary.

Side Effects

Cardiotoxicity, alopecia, Marrow depression, alopecia, cardiomyopathy, stomatitis, vomiting and local tissue damage.

Drug Interactions

Cyclosporin, cardiotoxic agents potentiates the cardiotoxicity.

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