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Bacteristatic, highly active against Str. Pyogenes and Str. Pneumoniae, N.gonorrhoeae, C lostridia, C.diphtheriae, Listeria, Campylobacter, Legionella and Mycoplasma Moderately sensitive are H. influenzae, H.dureyi, B.pertusis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Str. viridans, N. meningitidis and Rickettsiae.


Upper respiratory tract infections, Acute pneumonia.Vaginitis due to Chlamydia trachomatis. Impetigo. Wound and burn infections. Infected eczema. Acne vulgaris. Sycosis vulgaris.


250 mg 6 hrly; the dose may be doubled for severe infections. Gonorrhoea : 500 mg 6 hrly for 6-7 days. Syphillis : 1 gm 6 hrly for 10-15 days (30 days in late Syphillis). Prophylaxis against streptococci : 250 mg 12 hrly. Children : 7.5-25 mg/kg body wt hrly or 15-50 mg/kg body wt 12 hrly. The dose can be doubled if required in severe cases



Special Precautions

Hepatitis with Cholestatic jaundice, resembling viral hepatitis or extra hepatic biliary obstruction and reversible abnormalities in LFTs may be associated with prolonged or repeated therapy. Interacts with Theophyline, digoxin, carbamazepine, oral anticoagulants. Paediatrics: Reduced dose necessary. Pregnancy: Safe. Lactation: Contraindicated. Elderly: No special problem.

Side Effects

Mild to severe epigastric pain, Diarrhoea and other allergic reactions.

Drug Interactions

May potentiate action of carbamazepine, cyclosporin, theophylline warfarin. Increases serum digoxin levels, reduces therapeutic effect of penicillins, terfenadine and astemizole increases the risk of the adverse effect on the heart.

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