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It is a recently developed semi-synthetic derivative of podophyllotoxin, a plant glycoside. It is not a mitotic inhibitor, but arrests cells in the G2 phase. It has been primarily used in testicular tumours, lung cancer. Hodgkin’s & other lymphomas.


Small cell lung cancer. Malignant lymphomas. Acute leukaemias, Testicular tumours.Bladder cancer & trophoblastic diseases.


Dose in combination with other chemoth erapeutic agents: 50-100 mg/sqm body surface area/aily on days 1through 5 to 100 mg/sqm BSA/daily on days 1,3,5. Give a gap of 3-4 wks to recover from toxicity before repeating.


Hypersensitivity, severe liver dysfunction.

Special Precautions

Renal disease, infections, avoid contact with the skin, mucosa and eye. Paediatrics: Safety not established. Pregnancy: Should not be used. Lactation: Should not be used. Elderly: Safe.

Side Effects

Alopecia, G.I.T. disturbances, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, thrombophlebitis, neuritis, myelosuppression.

Drug Interactions

Synergism with other cytotoxic drugs.

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