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It is a hypolipidemic drug & has action resembling nicotinic acid; decreases very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and Triglyceride levels primarily. Though the crease in total cholesterol may be modest, a more favourable distribution is indicated. Its primary action appears to be reduction of VLDL secretion by liver. Additional decrease in adipose tissue lipolysis and uptake of fatty acids by liver has been demonstrated.


Hyperlipidaemia, lipoprotein abnormalities resistant to diet alone.


900-1500 mg daily (usual dose : 1200 mg) in 2 divided doses 1/2 hr before meals.


Children, severe impairment of renal & hepatic functions. Alcoholism, gall bladder disease. Hypersensitivity.

Special Precautions

Conduct blood count, liver function & lipid profile tests before initiating therapy and repeat them periodically. Discontinue if abnormal liver function persists. Regular Ophthalamic checkup required. Paediatrics: Should not be used. Pregnancy: Should not be used. Lactation: Should not be used. Elderly: Use with caution.

Side Effects

Epigastric distress and loose motions. Skin rashes, eosinophilia, bodyache. Raised blood sugar, blurred vision, impotence.

Drug Interactions

Potentiates anticoagulants.

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