Gliclazide is an oral hypoglycemic (anti-diabetic) medication belonging to the sulfonylurea class. It helps control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by stimulating the release of insulin from the pancreas.Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus; diabetes with or without obesity in adults, diabetes in the elderly, diabetes with vascular complications.
80-320 mg daily. Usually 160 mg daily.
Pregnancy, severe renal or hepatic failure, severe ketosis, acidosis, diabetic precoma and coma.
-Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels is essential. -Caution in elderly patients. -Avoid in pregnant and lactating women unless benefits outweigh risks. -Risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) especially in patients with renal impairment or malnourished.
Cutaneous reactions, blood dyscrasias.
Hypoglycaemic effect increased by aspirin, phenylbutazone, clofibrate, sulphona-mides, oral anticoagulants and MAOI’s. Hypo-glycaemic effect opposed by rifampicin, barbiturates, alcohol, diuretics, diazoxide, glucocorticoids, oestrogens and sympathomimetic drugs.