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Insulin human, also known as human insulin, is a synthetic form of insulin that is structurally identical to the insulin produced naturally by the human body. Dissolved insulin refers to a clear solution of short-acting insulin that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream to regulate blood glucose levels. Human insulin is produced using recombinant DNA technology and is used primarily in the management of diabetes.


Insulin human dissolved insulin is primarily indicated for the management of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2. It is used to control hyperglycemia in patients who require insulin for glucose regulation. It can also be used in emergency situations such as diabetic ketoacidosis.


The dosage of insulin human dissolved insulin varies greatly depending on individual patient needs, blood glucose monitoring results, and the specific regimen recommended by a healthcare provider. The initial dosage is usually determined based on the patient's body weight and glucose levels. Dosing may need adjustment based on blood glucose monitoring, lifestyle changes, or the presence of other medical conditions.


-Hypoglycemia: Insulin should not be used during episodes of hypoglycemia. -Hypersensitivity: Patients with known hypersensitivity to insulin should avoid its use. -Caution is advised in patients with severe renal or hepatic impairment.

Special Precautions

-Blood Glucose Monitoring: Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels is essential to avoid hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. -Adjusting Doses: Doses may need to be adjusted during illness, stress, or changes in activity level or diet. Injection Technique: Proper injection technique and site rotation are important to avoid injection site reactions. -Hypoglycemia Awareness: Patients should be aware of the symptoms of hypoglycemia and know how to manage them.

Side Effects

-Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar is a common side effect and can be potentially dangerous. -Injection Site Reactions: Redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site may occur. -Lipodystrophy: Long-term use may lead to abnormal fat accumulation or loss at injection sites. -Allergic Reactions: Though rare, some patients may experience localized or systemic allergic reactions.

Drug Interactions

-Hypoglycemia may be potentiated by drugs such as oral hypoglycemics, beta-blockers, MAO inhibitors, or salicylates. -Insulin requirements may be altered by drugs that affect glucose metabolism, including corticosteroids, thiazides, and sympathomimetics.

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