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It is transformed intracellularly to a form which acts as an alkylating agent and kills cells in G1-M phases. It is highly toxic drug used only in resistant cancers of stomach, cervix, colon, rectum, bladder etc.


Adenocarcinoma, lymphosarcoma & Seminoma.


6-10 i.v twice weekly o 0.05 mg/kg body wt daily for 5 days repeating schedule after 2 days to a total dose of 60-100 mg.


Do not use thrugh i.m or s.c. route. Bone marrow depression. Severe anaemia, haemorrhagic tendencies.

Special Precautions

Thrombocytopenia. Necrosis. Leukopenia.

Side Effects

Toxicity to bone marrow & G.I.T.

Drug Interactions

Potentiates adriamycin induced cardiotoxicity. Barbiturates and cimetidine alter leves. Synergistic with5-flurouracil.

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