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Purified Chick-embryo cell Rabies vaccine

Purified Chick-embryo cell Rabies vaccine

Vial: 1Dose of freeze dried substance, containing >= 2.5 i.u. inactivated rabies antigen (virus multiplied in chicken fibroblast cell cultures). Stabilizer (1Dose) TEN -haemacel & 0.1% Glutamate q.s. Ampoule: Solvent-sterile water for injection. The antibiotics (Neomycin, chlortetracycline, Amphotericin B) added during cell and virus propagation are removed to the greatest possible extent by purification steps and cannot be detected with currently used methods in final vaccine product.


For immunization against rabies after exposure. For prophylactic vaccination against rabies before exposure.


After exposure: start immediately . A full course of treatment consists of 6 injections (for adults & children) One dose on each of days 0,3,7,14,30 and 90. 6th dose on day 90 is optional. If animal is suspected to be rabid then should in addition receive rabies immunoglobin (human origin) at a dose of 1x40 i.u. per kg of body weight. The injection should be given together with the first dose of vaccine, but at different sites o


For immunization after exposure there are no contraindications. Before exposure: Postpone in pregnancy. Hypersensitivity to constitutents of vaccine.

Special Precautions

Patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy.

Side Effects

Pain, reddening & swelling at injection site swollen lymph nodes, joint pains & G.I. Complaints.

Drug Interactions

The vaccine's efficacy may be affected by concurrent administration of immunosuppressive drugs. There may be an increased risk of side effects when used with other vaccines, so timing should be coordinated as per healthcare provider recommendations.

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