It is a rifampicin derivative with enhanced activity against M. Tuberculosis and longer half-life than rifampicinIt is indicated as a combination therapy for the treatment of primary pulmonary tuberculosis. It is not recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis in HIV patients due to fear of failure or relapse.
Initial Phase - 600 mg twice weekly (with an interval of at least 72 hours between 2 consecutive doses) for 2 months. Continuation Phase - 600mg once weekly for 4 months. Administration with meals increases bioavailability
Hypersensitivity of Rifapentine or any of its constituents. History of porphyria.
Pregnancy Category C medication. It may lead to post-natal bleeding of the mother and infant if administered during the last few weeks of pregnancy. Vitamin K is administered to help prevent bleeding. Nursing mothers should avoid nursing if taking this medication. It is to be administered with caution in patients with cavitary pulmonary lesions and positive sputum culture after Initial Phase of treatment .
G.I.intolerance, hepatotoxicity, hyperbilirubinemia, discoloration of body fluids, porphyria, C.difficile associated diarrhoea
It interacts with several classes of drugs like anticonvulsants, anti-arrhythmics, anti-psychotics, calcium-channel blockers, beta-blockers, antibiotics, anticoagulants, antifungals, benzodiazepines, cardiac glycosides, immunosuppressants, antidiabetics and oral contraceptives.
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