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Curry leaves

Health benefits of curry leaves. Curry leaves or kadi patta are popular in India because of its aroma and striking taste.

The curry leaf tree was originally grown in India for its aromatic leaves. They are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and B2. Curry leaves are also said to be good sources of iron and calcium. Because of this reason, curry leaves are used as part of folklore medicine to treat calcium deficiency and several other conditions. Curry leaves can also be used for weight loss.

Few health benefits of curry leaves you cannot miss:

1.Weight loss

Curry leaves can help in weight loss. Carbazole alkaloids work against weight gain and help in regulating cholesterol levels in the body. Thus, curry leaves can be consumed in order to aid weight loss. To increase their consumption, you add fresh or dried curry leaves to your meals.

2. It can help in treating constipation, dysentery and diarrhea

Curry leaves can be used for treating an upset stomach. You can grind dried curry leaves and add it to buttermilk. Drink it empty stomach for dealing with conditions such diarrhea, constipation and dysentery. Curry leaves are said to support bowel movement and stimulate digestive enzymes.

3. Relieves morning sickness and nausea

Curry leaves helps in increasing digestive secretions and relieve nausea, morning sickness and vomiting.

4. Eliminates bacteria

Most illness is caused by infections or because of oxidative damage in the body. Curry leaves can be used as an alternative and natural treatment for such infections. Curry leaves are full of carbazole alkaloids which are compounds with antibacterial, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Curry leaves also contain the compound linolol. This compounds gives curry leaves their scent. This compound has bacteria-killing properties. It also helps in eliminating harmful free radicals from the body.

5. Good for diabetics

Curry leaves have been found to reduce blood glucose levels effectively. They offer protection to insulin-producing cells of pancreas and prevent damage caused by free radicals. It’s minerals like copper, iron, zinc and iron perform this function. Thus, curry leaves can be helpful for people suffering from diabetes.

6. Good for eyesight

Rich in Vitamin A, curry leaves are believed to have beneficial effect on eyesight. They prevent early onset of cataract.

7. Reduce stress 

Essential oil of curry leaves can help in reducing stress effectively. This is probably because calming effect of scent of curry leaves. Studies show that inhaling linalool can help in reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

8. Heals wounds, burns and skin eruptions

Carbazole alkaloid compound in curry leaves speeds up the process of healing wounds which are not too deep. They help in sealing the gap and restore hair growth in the affected area. Curry leaves have a similar effect on inflamed skin, boils and first-degree burns.

9. Hair growth

Curry leaves can stimulate hair follicles and promote growth of healthy strands with normal hair pigment. It can be used for dealing hair loss and premature graying of hair. Its leaf extracts can help in dealing with dandruff and flaky scalp.

10. Improves memory

Curry leaves can help in dealing with impaired memory disorders such as Alzheimer's. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. DTMT does not claim responsibility for this information.

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