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Dr. Suchismitha Rajamanya

Navigating Sleep Deprivation: Expert Insights and Coping Strategies

Dr. Suchismitha Rajamanya, Lead Consultant & HOD - Internal Medicine at Aster Whitefield Hospital in Bengaluru, emphasizes the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on both physical and mental health. Whether caused by late-night work, caring for a newborn, social activities, or environmental factors like heat or mosquitoes, inadequate sleep can wreak havoc on daily functioning.

Chronic sleep loss impairs cognitive function, leading to difficulties in concentration, problem-solving, and mood regulation. This not only impacts daily tasks but also strains relationships and diminishes overall life satisfaction. Additionally, insufficient sleep disrupts hormonal balance, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and weakened immune function.

Dr. Rajamanya recommends a minimum of six to seven hours of sleep per night to support vital bodily functions and promote optimal physical and mental performance. Even a single day of sleep deprivation can lead to short-term challenges such as difficulty concentrating, irritability, and decreased productivity.

To cope with a sleep-deprived day, Dr. Rajamanya suggests staying hydrated, avoiding strenuous activity, taking short breaks, avoiding caffeine in the afternoon, and, if possible, taking a short power nap. It's important to refrain from making important decisions when sleep-deprived, as judgment may be impaired.

The recommended amount of sleep varies by age group, with adults generally advised to aim for 7-9 hours per night. Infants and children require more sleep, gradually decreasing as they grow older. Following these guidelines can ensure a productive day and promote overall health and well-being.

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