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Dr Varun Bansal and Dr MM Yusuf

Robotic Cardiac Surgeries Poised to Become Accessible Nationwide, Experts Predict

In the coming years, robotic surgeries are expected to surpass conventional methods in popularity due to their numerous benefits, including reduced bleeding, quicker recovery times, and shorter hospital stays. Despite current affordability challenges, experts believe that the availability and cost-effectiveness of robotic cardiac surgeries will improve, making them accessible to a broader population.

Over the past five years, India has seen a significant increase in the adoption of robotic cardiac surgeries. Dr. MM Yusuf, Senior Consultant in Heart Specialties in Robotics and Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, shared his insights with Drug Today Medical Times. "I foresee that in the next ten years, robotic surgeries will be available throughout the country, not just to a select few. The acceptance is widespread because patients prefer avoiding large incisions. If offered cost-effectively with good outcomes, demand will be high," he stated.

Dr. Yusuf highlighted the advantages of robotic surgeries over traditional methods, emphasising the absence of central bone cuts, minimal hospital stays, and swift patient recovery. "Patients typically stay for a very short period post-surgery, with many discharged within three days. Those with single vessel blockages go home within forty-eight hours, while patients undergoing valve repairs or bypass surgeries are discharged within three days. Most adult procedures, such as valve repair and replacement, bypass graft surgeries, and treatments for tumors and holes in the heart, can be performed robotically. The primary benefits are no infections, no blood loss, and patients resuming normal activities within three days."

Dr. Varun Bansal, Consultant, echoed Dr. Yusuf's sentiments, noting that the fundamental surgical procedures remain the same, whether it's coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), valve surgeries, or treatments for chest tumors or heart defects. "The main difference lies in the access method. Robotic surgeries involve very small incisions without cutting the chest bone, which eliminates many complications associated with traditional surgery. This leads to less bleeding, reduced pain, faster recovery, and patients being able to walk the day after surgery. Within a week, they can return to their normal activities."

As robotic technology continues to advance and become more affordable, experts are optimistic that these minimally invasive procedures will become a standard option available to patients across the country, offering them safer and more efficient surgical outcomes.

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