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Nuts Can Boost Weight Loss, New Review Suggests

Dieters aiming to shed pounds might want to consider incorporating nuts into their regimen, according to a new review. Researchers found that consuming 1.5 to 3 ounces of almonds, peanuts, pistachios, or walnuts daily, as part of a calorie-restricted diet, led to more significant weight loss than a similar diet without nuts.

The review revealed that participants on "nut-enriched" diets lost an additional 3 to 16 pounds compared to those on nut-free diets. This finding challenges the common belief that nuts, due to their fat and energy content, hinder weight loss efforts.

"People often avoid nuts when trying to lose weight because they think that the energy and fat content in nuts can contribute to weight gain," said Alison Coates, senior researcher and dean of research in allied health and human performance at the University of South Australia. However, it appears that nuts may help curb hunger more effectively.

"Nuts are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, plant protein, and dietary fiber, all of which play a role in promoting satiety and reducing excess calorie consumption," Coates explained in a university news release. Additionally, nuts are linked to improved cardiovascular and metabolic health, better gut health, and enhanced cognitive performance.

The review analyzed seven randomized controlled trials, with diets cutting food intake by 240 to 1,000 calories per day. The studies, lasting from one month to a year, involved 676 overweight or obese participants. None of the studies indicated that nuts hindered weight loss; in fact, four studies found that nuts contributed to greater weight loss.

The review, published in the journal Nutrition Research Reviews, was not funded by the nut industry.

"Nuts are an important part of many people’s diets because they provide a taste and texture you can’t find in other food groups, while also being a healthy, on-the-go snack," said study co-author Sharaya Carter, an adjunct research fellow at the University of South Australia.

"For people who enjoy eating nuts, knowing that they can help meet weight-loss goals while also improving your overall health is a huge plus," Carter added. "It’s also great for health professionals who can be confident in recommending nuts, in the context of a healthy diet, without concerns of an adverse effect on weight."

This review underscores the benefits of including nuts in a calorie-controlled diet, providing both weight loss and overall health improvements.


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