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Clobazam's antiepileptic activity is related to its binding to one or more specific GABA receptors increasing GABA mediated inhibition. It is most beneficial in patients with partial seizures.


Refractory epilepsy. Patients with typical or atypical absence seizures in those with myoclonic and secondary generalised tonic/clonic seizures, atonic seizures, and those with Lennox-Gestaut syndrome and reflex epilepsies.


Epilepsy : adult dosage 5-80 mg.For children between 3-15 years of age, the initial dose is normally 5 mg. Anxiety states: adults 20-30 mg daily. Children and elderly patients should receive lower dosage.


Hypersensitivity, first trimester of pregnancy.

Special Precautions

It is very important that your doctor check your progress at regular visits to make sure this medicine is working properly.

Side Effects

Sedation and dizziness. Mood change with occasionally irratability, depression, aggression, disinhibition and fatigue.

Drug Interactions

Decreased serum levels of clobazam have been observed with phenytoin, phenybarbitone, carbamazepine and valproate.

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