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It is prostaglandins (PGE-2) which uniformly contract human uterus, pregnant as well as non pregnant. At term PGE-2 soften the cervix and make it more compliant.


Induction and augmentation of labour, Cervical priming.


Hypersensitivity to prostaglandins. Patients in whom oxytocics are contra indicated. Non-vertex presentation. Pelvic inflammatory disease.

Special Precautions

Glaucoma & raised intra ocular pressure. In patients with compromised (scared) uterus.

Side Effects

Fever, G.I. side effects.

Drug Interactions

Concomitant use of oxytocin may lead to uterine rupture. Oestrogen enhance cervical ripening and potentiates therapeutic effect of dinoprostone.Cautious administeration of NSAID’s with Prostaglandins.

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