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It is a synthetic polypeptide hormone, 8- L -lysine - vasopressin, having antidiuretic activity with no effects on electrolytes reabsorption, and has also activities of blood vessel contraction and blood clotting stimulation.


Pituitary diabetes insipidus; bleeding from oesophageal varices.


I.V. , I.M. or subcutaneously.Adults:10 units (0.5ml). 20 units dissolved in 100 - 200ml of dextrose 5% soln is infused for more than 10 mins.


Vascular disease (especially disease of coronary arteries) unless extreme caution, chronic nephritis (until reasonable blood nitrogen concentrations attaid)

Side Effects

Pallor, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, desire to defaccate, hypersensitivity reactions, constriction of coronary arteries (may cause angainal attacks and myocardial ischaemia)

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