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Filthy water supplied at East Babarpur

Water Contamination Plagues Delhi's East Babarpur, Triggering Health Crisis

In East Babarpur, Delhi, residents are grappling with a pressing issue - contaminated water. The situation has escalated to the point where it's not just a nuisance but a threat to public health.

Residents on street number three have been enduring a harrowing ordeal for over a week now. Every morning and evening, they're greeted with water that reeks of filth and sewage. The stench is unbearable, and to make matters worse, it's wreaking havoc on their water filters.

But the consequences go beyond foul odors and malfunctioning filters. The contaminated water is causing widespread health issues, ranging from abdominal pain to severe diarrhea. Some residents even report having to resort to purchasing water for drinking, as the tap water has become undrinkable.

Despite complaints lodged with the Delhi Jal Board through the helpline number 1619, the situation remains unchanged. For many, especially those who cannot afford to buy water from the market, this poses a significant challenge. Basic activities like bathing and washing become daunting tasks when clean water is a luxury.

As a resident and firsthand witness to the crisis, I can attest to the severity of the situation. My family and I have been battling gastroenteritis for over a week now. The illness has taken its toll, with my eight-month-old daughter requiring hospitalization due to viral diarrhea. Now, my elder daughter has fallen victim to the same affliction.

Tragically, we're not alone in this ordeal. My neighbor shares a similar plight, with both himself and his one-year-old son suffering from diarrhea caused by the contaminated water. It's evident that the water supply is fecally contaminated, rendering it unfit for consumption.

In light of these dire circumstances, residents implore the authorities at the Delhi Jal Board to address this issue urgently. Access to safe and clean water is a basic human right, and the residents of East Babarpur deserve nothing less. It's time for action to ensure the health and well-being of our community.

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