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Services Affected Due to Inclement Rain at Delhi-AIIMS

Heavy rainfall has severely impacted services at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi. The inclement weather led to significant waterlogging, prompting authorities to take precautionary measures.

Services, including the operation of the Trauma Centre and the Neurosciences Centre, were disrupted. The waterlogging necessitated the shutdown of the power supply to the Neurosciences Centre due to the danger of electrical hazards. Consequently, operations in these critical areas were temporarily halted to ensure the safety of patients and staff.

The authorities are working to address the situation and restore normal operations as quickly as possible.

Despite these challenges, one operating theatre at the Trauma Centre remained functional. This enabled the medical team to carry out four life-threatening surgeries, thereby saving the lives of critical patients. The situation remains under close monitoring as efforts are made to restore full operations at the affected centres.

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