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Over 70% of Indian Women Suffer from Gynecological Disorders: Experts Advocate for Advanced Treatments

A staggering statistic reveals that over 70% of women in India suffer from gynecological conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD), fibroids, endometriosis, and dyspareunia. Despite their prevalence, many of these conditions remain undiagnosed and untreated due to a lack of awareness and limited access to proper healthcare. Of the 654 million women in India, 20% are battling these disorders, underscoring the urgent need to address the growing health crisis in the country.

Gynecological disorders often present with subtle, easily overlooked symptoms, making early diagnosis challenging. Dr. Pradeep Mahajan, Regenerative Medicine Researcher and Founder of StemRx Hospital and Research Centre, explained the complexities of these conditions:

"PCOS and PCOD are associated with hormonal imbalances, which can disrupt menstrual cycles, lead to weight gain, acne, and hirsutism. Fibroids, non-cancerous growths in the uterus, cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure, and even infertility. Endometriosis involves tissue growing outside the uterus, leading to chronic pain and fertility issues, while dyspareunia causes painful sexual intercourse."

Dr. Mahajan emphasized that many women dismiss these symptoms, attributing them to lifestyle factors like stress or age, delaying medical intervention. This postponement often exacerbates their conditions, leading to severe complications, including infertility, chronic pain, or the need for surgical procedures.

However, advancements in regenerative medicine offer hope for women suffering from these disorders. Dr. Mahajan highlighted the effectiveness of cellular therapy, which targets the root causes of gynecological issues like PCOS, fibroids, and endometriosis.

"Cellular therapy reduces the size of fibroids, restores normal uterine function, and improves a woman’s fertility potential without the need for invasive surgery. This non-surgical approach is particularly beneficial for women seeking to avoid the complications and side effects associated with traditional surgeries."

Regenerative therapies have also shown promise in treating dyspareunia by promoting tissue growth that enhances normal sexual functioning, alleviating pain, and restoring self-confidence. Dr. Mahajan pointed out that while traditional treatments such as surgery or hormonal therapies have their merits, they are often accompanied by adverse effects.

"In contrast, regenerative medicine offers a more personalized, comprehensive treatment plan that avoids unnecessary surgeries and their side effects. This breakthrough is a silver lining for women who are unaware of the importance of seeing a gynecologist."

As Dr. Mahajan concluded, "It is crucial for women to recognize that symptoms like chronic pelvic pain, abnormal menstruation, and painful intercourse are not normal and should be treated. With timely intervention, women can not only regain their health but also significantly improve their quality of life."

With the advent of cellular therapy and regenerative medicine, India’s women now have access to more accurate, less invasive treatments, offering a new era of hope for those battling gynecological disorders.

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