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Dr. Padma Srivastava

Pune Woman Overcomes Severe Endometriosis, Fulfills Dream of Motherhood with Expert Care at Motherhood Hospitals

A dedicated team at Motherhood Hospitals, Lullanagar, Pune, led by Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Padma Srivastava, successfully treated a 29-year-old woman, Riya (name changed), who had been struggling with severe endometriosis. The condition had severely impacted Riya's daily life and fertility for five years.

Riya, a resident of Lullanagar, endured debilitating pain during the initial days of her menstrual cycle, a common symptom of endometriosis. Upon seeking treatment, she was diagnosed with bilateral ovarian cysts and adhesions, complications that often accompany the condition. Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, leading to painful periods, pelvic pain, and infertility.

 While endometriosis can be challenging, appropriate medical intervention can help many women achieve their fertility goals. In India, an estimated 6-10% of women suffer from endometriosis, with infertility rates in these women being five to six times higher than in the general population. Additionally, nearly 40-50% of women presenting with infertility are found to have endometriosis.

Upon examination, Dr. Srivastava identified that Riya had developed bilateral ovarian cysts, measuring approximately 8 cm, along with significant adhesions—abnormal bands of tissue that cause pain and infertility by connecting organs. These findings were crucial in understanding why Riya had been facing difficulties conceiving.

To address these issues, Dr. Srivastava performed a laparoscopic cystectomy, a minimally invasive procedure to remove the cysts while preserving Riya's ovaries. She also released the adhesions to restore the pelvic anatomy and improve the chances of conception.

Considering Riya's history of infertility, Dr. Srivastava recommended Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) as a fertility treatment option. IUI involves placing washed and concentrated sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation, increasing the chances of fertilization.

"Endometriosis has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, especially among women aged 24-29," Dr. Srivastava noted. "On average, we see 2-3 cases per week. The delay in pregnancies is one contributing factor. While endometriosis can significantly impact fertility, many women can still conceive with the right treatment. Regular gynecological check-ups also play a vital role in managing this condition. In Riya's case, laparoscopic surgery and subsequent IUI were key to overcoming her fertility challenges."

Dr. Srivastava further highlighted that although infertility is more common in women with endometriosis, natural conception is still possible. "IVF is often considered for endometriosis-related infertility, but it's not always necessary. Fertility-enhancing laparoscopic surgery can restore pelvic anatomy and improve ovarian function. In fact, approximately 25-30% of patients with endometriosis conceive with medication alone."

To evaluate fertility potential, an Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) test is essential. This test measures the ovarian reserve, helping doctors assess a woman’s remaining egg supply. AMH testing is particularly recommended for women over 35, those with a history of infertility, and those considering fertility treatments. It is also beneficial for young women looking to understand their fertility window.

Grateful for the expert care she received, Riya expressed her joy at finally realizing her dream of becoming a mother. "The pain from endometriosis was unbearable, and I had almost given up hope of becoming a mother. Dr. Srivastava and her team at Motherhood Hospitals gave me the support and expertise I needed. I am forever thankful for their role in helping me fulfill my dream of motherhood," she said.

This case is a testament to the fact that women with endometriosis can achieve their fertility goals with the right medical intervention. The team at Motherhood Hospitals is dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans, helping patients navigate the complexities of infertility and embrace the joys of motherhood.

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