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It is a non-steroidal oral contraceptive pill that is recommended for all women of reproductive age group who want to space their children.It is safer and free from side effects likevomiting,nausea,dizziness,weight gain, thrombolic episode.


Oral contraception.


First tab should be taken on the Ist day of menstrual period (counting first day of bleeding as day one of the cycle) and thereafter twice a week (say Wednesday & Sunday) i.e. 3 days apart and on the same day every week for 3 months followed by once a week same day every week (i.e. Wednesday or Sunday) as long as contraception is desired.


Recent or past history of jaundice or liver disease. Polycystic ovarian disease. Chronic cervicitis or cervical hyperplasia. Severe allergic conditions, tuberculosis, renal disease. Nursing mothers in first 6 mths.

Special Precautions

Tablet should be taken on fixed days as already indicated and at fixed time. Delayed menstruation is of no consequence if tablets have not been missed. Delay exceeding 15 days, doctor should be consulted, if pregnancy, pill should be discontinued.

Drug Interactions

None known

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