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Hip replacement surgery helps a 138-kg man regain fitness

A team of doctors at Patel Clinic, Panvel, Maharashtra, gave a new lease of life to a 39-year-old man who was obese, weighing 138 kg, and had a damaged hip due to avascular necrosis (AVN) by carrying out a complex hip replacement surgery.

To showcase his fitness after surgery, the patient did backflips into the swimming pool.

The patient, Mr Rakesh Kanaylal Chichria, a resident of Ulhasnagar and a shopkeeper by profession, struggled with excruciating right hip pain for the past 2 years, which severely affected his mobility at home.

He consulted well-known doctors in Mumbai, who advised him to lose weight before considering surgery.

He tried Ayurvedic remedies, but they did not provide any relief.

After dieting for 3 months, he managed to reach a weight of 122 kg but couldn't maintain it and went back up to 138 kg. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with avascular necrosis in the femur head. He approached Dr. Makhija for further treatment and decided to undergo surgery in April, which miraculously got rid of his hip pain. Activities that were once difficult for him, like climbing stairs and walking, became much easier.

 Dr. Kunal Makhija, Orthopedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon, said “In recent studies, it has been found that avascular necrosis commonly affects the femur head in overweight and obese patients. Obesity places excessive stress on various joints, including the hips. With every step taken, the weight-bearing joints are subjected to increased pressure and strain.”

“Over time, this constant burden can lead to damage within these joints. Researchers have discovered that fat accumulation in obese individuals can disrupt blood flow to vital areas such as the femur head, causing avascular necrosis to set in. The interrupted blood supply leads to bone deterioration, eventually resulting in pain and limited mobility for affected individuals. In mild cases, medication and minor surgical procedures may be effective, but in severe cases, a total hip replacement is the only viable solution,” Dr Makhija added.

Dr Makhija further said that following a prolonged period of pain, the patient underwent successful right hip replacement surgery. Obesity poses various challenges during surgery, from positioning the patient to exposing the hip joint by retracting fat and muscle. Due to the patient's high BMI of 43 kg/m2, specific precautions were taken during anaesthesia administration using a longer needle. The hip joint, composed of a ball and socket, was entirely replaced with ceramic implants with the support of Dr. Tarannum Pandey as the anesthetist.”

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 “Mr. Rakesh had a quick recovery. Post-surgery, he was able to walk and use the bathroom within three days after surgery. Within 15 days, he resumed all his regular activities without any difficulty. He continued his post-surgery physiotherapy and rehabilitation to get back on his feet. It has been three months since the surgery, and he now engages in bike riding, car driving, and swimming,” highlighted Dr Makhija.

 "Watching this patient's transformation has been nothing short of incredible. With sheer determination and an unwavering commitment to recovery, he is again living the life he always dreamed of. It is a testament to the power of his spirit and serves as a shining beacon for others struggling with similar battles. His proactive approach to improving well-being has not only reaped benefits for himself but has also opened doors for others who might otherwise have felt hopeless or lost," he explained.

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