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Delhi: Inauguration of 1st Edition of India Health Exhibition Showcases Modern Technologies, Trends

The first edition of the 'India Health' Expo, organized by Informa Markets in India, has commenced at the modern Yashobhoomi in Dwarka, New Delhi. This platform has brought together all industry stakeholders, including biomedical engineers, pathologists, radiologists, hospital consultants, medical device distributors, physicians, procurement managers, R&D professionals, and regulatory representatives.

Inspired by the Arab Health Exhibition, India Health aims to provide a world-class platform for the modernization of healthcare and to promote a conducive environment for learning and networking.

The inauguration saw the presence of distinguished dignitaries such as Mr. Istvan Szabo, Ambassador of Hungary to New Delhi; His Excellency Mr. Jagannath Sami, High Commissioner of the Republic of Fiji; Dr. Girdhar Gyani, Director General, Association of Healthcare Providers India; Mr. Siddharth Bhattacharya, Secretary General, Healthcare Federation of India-Nathealth; Mr. Abhinav Thakur, MD, Accurex Biomedical (ADMI representative); Dr. Rajiv Chhibber, Vice President, External Affairs, Sahajanand Medical Technologies Limited, and Joint Coordinator, Government and Public Affairs, AiMED; Mr. Peter Hall, President Middle East, India, Turkey, and Africa, Informa Markets; Wouter Wouman, Chief Commercial Officer, Middle East, India, Turkey, and Africa, Informa Markets; Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets in India; and Mr. Rahul Deshpande, Senior Group Director, Informa Markets in India.

At the launch of India Health, Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director of Informa Markets in India, stated, "Healthcare in India has emerged as one of the largest sectors, witnessing rapid growth due to public and private sector investments, expanding coverage, and improving services.

India is the fourth largest market globally for medical devices, with significant advancements in telemedicine and AI applications, projecting remarkable growth in the sector. By 2025, telemedicine is expected to reach $5.4 billion, and AI is growing at an annual rate of 45% until 2024.

The rapid growth will generate numerous job opportunities in the health tech sector. This exhibition will pave the way for collaborations and innovations across various sectors by bringing together domestic and international brands on one platform. The Transformation Zone, Start-Up Pavilion, and content-rich conferences will be the focal points of the event, highlighting opportunities, innovations, challenges, and the role of healthcare in India's economic and social development."

Mr. Abhinav Thakur, MD of Accurex Biomedical and former Secretary of the Association of Diagnostic Manufacturers of India (ADMI), remarked, "The in vitro diagnostics industry is an $80 billion global market, with India's contribution at $1.5 billion, making us the fourth largest in Asia after Japan, China, and South Korea. Notably, we are the fastest-growing market globally, with a year-on-year growth rate of 15-20%.

Diagnostics is the fastest-growing segment of medical devices globally, with 70% of medical decisions based on diagnostic reports, yet diagnostics account for only 2% of a patient's bill. This paradox highlights the critical role of diagnostics in preventive medicine. Innovations like Health ATMs, which enable testing anywhere, anytime without a lab, are game-changers, especially for rural India, where 60% of the population resides. Such advancements ensure equitable access to diagnostics, a crucial step towards predictive healthcare and disease prevention."

Mr. Siddharth Bhattacharya, Secretary General of the Healthcare Federation of India, emphasized, "Currently, India's healthcare landscape is undergoing significant transformation. The country's policies are rapidly moving towards 'Health for All' and 'Make in India,' reflecting a critical effort to expand healthcare beyond traditional contexts. We are witnessing robust growth in human resources, nursing, education, and life sciences. Additionally, there is a significant emphasis on data, evidence-based research, and local innovations. The government is keen on supporting start-ups and innovative solutions by making regulatory policies more accessible and efficient. Together, these efforts are shaping a dynamic model for the future of healthcare in India, fostering an environment of growth and innovation."

Highlighting significant healthcare collaborations between India and Fiji, His Excellency Mr. Jagannath Sami, High Commissioner of the Republic of Fiji, said, "Most Pacific Island countries diagnose diseases late, so our focus is on diagnosis to prevent diseases and improve health outcomes. India Health Exhibition provides a valuable opportunity to explore these solutions. Our countries share deep cultural and linguistic ties, with many people in Fiji having Indian roots. We plan to enhance our health sector, including health centers and pharmacies, and we are committed to adopting diagnostics in the Pacific Islands. Last year, the Prime Minister of India announced a 100-bed super-specialty hospital for Fiji, highlighting the growing strength of India-Fiji relations. Our goal is to leverage this partnership to make a significant impact on health in our region."

Dr. Rajiv Chhibber, Vice President of External Affairs at Sahajanand Medical Technologies Limited, and Joint Coordinator of AiMED, said, "India Health Expo prominently showcases the transformative impact of technology on India's healthcare landscape. India's medical device industry is already worth $11 billion and is estimated to reach $50 billion by 2030, driven by initiatives like the PLI scheme and Atmanirbhar Bharat. Focus on innovation and global alliances is setting new standards in healthcare delivery. This collaborative effort promises to enhance affordability, accessibility, and quality healthcare across all societal levels, from rural communities to metropolitan areas, leading to significant progress in combating both communicable and non-communicable diseases."

The first edition of India Health features over 300 domestic and international brands from sectors such as medical equipment and devices, orthopedics and physiotherapy, imaging and diagnostics, healthcare and general services, IT systems and solutions, healthcare infrastructure and assets, wellness, and prevention. Participants include KLS Martin Group, Medikabazaar, Midmark, Narang Medical Limited, Zimmer, Medizinsysteme GmbH, Med Fresh Private Limited, Palakkad Surgical Industries Pvt. Ltd., and Nilkamal Ltd.

The Hungarian Embassy is the country partner for the event. The event is supported by prestigious organizations such as the Association of Diagnostic Manufacturers of India and the Medical Technology Association of India. The Association of Healthcare Providers India and Frost & Sullivan are knowledge partners for the exhibition.

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