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Experts Warn About the Dangers of Heat Stroke and Heat Assertion

With temperatures rising, health professionals are raising awareness about the dangers of heat stroke and heat assertion. Prof M. Wali, Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, and Dr. Anupama Sardana from Holy Family Hospital Bandra in Mumbai, provided insights into these conditions, their differences, and the necessary precautions and treatments.

Prof M. Wali explains that heat assertion is a common condition during the summer when people transition from cooler environments to hot outdoor areas. Symptoms include thirst, muscle cramps, and headaches, typically resulting from mild dehydration.

“This condition is not fatal and rarely requires treatment beyond rest and electrolyte solutions,” says Dr. Wali. “Keeping your body at a normal temperature by staying indoors in a cool environment, especially air-conditioned rooms, can prevent heat assertion.”

For those experiencing heat assertion, Dr. Wali recommends simple remedies such as paracetamol for pain, electrolyte solutions, and sports drinks. However, he advises against consuming coffee, beer, tea, and alcohol, as they can exacerbate dehydration.

In contrast, heat stroke is a severe and potentially fatal condition. Prof M. Wali describes it as a full-blown syndrome where the body temperature rises above 40°C (104°F).

Symptoms include edema, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, low urine output, weakness, high heart rate, and, in extreme cases, coma. Immediate hospitalization and cooling measures are critical.

“Heat stroke patients need to be kept in cold or iced rooms, and some may require intensive care due to metabolic acidosis,” Dr. Wali notes.

Dr. Anupama Sardana elaborates that heat stroke occurs when the body's thermoregulation fails due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures or strenuous physical activity. This leads to systemic inflammation and organ dysfunction. The body’s core temperature can reach dangerous levels, resulting in severe symptoms such as altered mental states, hot and dry skin, nausea, and rapid heart rate.

“Heat stroke can lead to complications like organ damage, particularly affecting the brain, kidneys, and heart,” Dr. Sardana says. “The fatality of heat stroke lies in its potential to cause widespread cellular damage and systemic failure. Rapid cooling and medical intervention are crucial to mitigate these effects and prevent irreversible damage.”

Experts agree that recognising the symptoms of heat stroke early and seeking prompt medical attention is vital. Dr. W. Larry Kenney, a professor of physiology and kinesiology, emphasizes, “Heat stroke is a medical emergency, and if not treated promptly, it can lead to serious complications or death. The key is to recognize the symptoms early and seek immediate cooling and hydration.”

As temperatures soar, the importance of heat safety cannot be overstated. Individuals are urged to stay hydrated, avoid excessive physical activity during peak heat hours, and take immediate action if symptoms of heat-related illnesses appear. By understanding the differences between heat assertion and heat stroke, and taking appropriate precautions, the risks can be significantly reduced.

While heat assertion is a manageable condition, heat stroke is life-threatening and underscores the need for awareness and preparedness during extreme weather conditions.


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